Well, hello there, Degrassholes! We are back with Season 3 of the podcast covering – what else? – Season 3 of Degrassi: The Next Generation. But if you’ve been with us for a while you know there’s an “unfortunately” coming. Unfortunately, Season 3 starts with an Emma-centric two-parter titled “Father Figure”. Don’t look at us, it was a choice on the writers and producers to start one of the best TNG (if not THE best) seasons with this stinker.
But you know what? We made it through! As in, we recorded this (a year ago) and finally edited it (last night). So let’s get to it:
Spike is about to give birth to another baby, which is quite surprising because after spawning Emma, one would think the great nation of Canada would unanimously and resolutely ban this woman from ever procreating again. Alas, they didn’t. But the changing family dynamic has Emma asking questions about her biological father that Spike and Snake aren’t ready to answer…
Our B-plot (which is somehow stretched over the course of two episodes) involves Paige needing a new locker and Spinner being the person who has to secure that for her because…reasons. Really, that’s it.
Along the way, we stumble our way through this episode and discuss things way more important than the subject matter of this episode such as:
- Skipping school and surviving college
- Craig impressively tiptoeing around the minefield that is a conversation that involves both Ashley AND Emma
- Speaking of toes, the directorial choice to pan to Spike’s feet as she gives birth (why tho)
- And, of course, what would Reba McEntire wear if she were to attend a Ramones concert? Watch this episode and find out!
So grab a half-priced app at Applebee’s, a “spike”d drink (you see what we did there?) and remember, NEVER wear a toe ring but ALWAYS wear a condom.
Stephan, Morgan, Natasha, Nina, and Perino